Right Now Is The Best Time Of The Year To Save A Lot Of Money On ClothesI have been doing a little bit of window shopping (which is odd for me - I normally shop online).But... as I say - I have been out shopping, and have noticed that there are HUGE deals out there at the moment, in the fashionwear department. I live in New Zealand - but, I have looked online, and this is happening throughout the world. It is about halfway through the season - so all of the shops are getting rid of their seasonal stock (and some of last years stock as well). We are enjoying the summer months in New Zealand, and yet the shops have all of the summer stock on special. The shops don't want to have summer stock sitting on their racks throughout winter - so it is about the time that they really start to push the sales. It is the same in the States - they have all of their winter gear on sale. You can easily get up to 75% off the seasonal gear right now - much bigger sales than the New Years Sale a couple of weeks ago! And.... it's not just summer (or winter) gear either - you will find they try and get rid of old stock at this time of the year, to make way for new pieces of clothing. This is a good time to buy a pair of jeans, and other items that last the distance (so they won't be out of fashion this season). Actually - that's the whole reason I went out shopping. I was after some hipster jeans, because I heard that high-waisted jeans were coming back in (hat high-waisted anything - doesn't do anything for the figure). So, I trundled down to the shop, and got some awesome (fashionable) jeans for $15 - I kid you not - that was 75% off the rrp (probably below cost) - just because the shop wanted to make way for new items. This is also a fantastic time to make money (although it is a gamble, so be sure of yourself). The small "online auction" retailer (that is - someone that buys from shops, and sells them on auction sites) - can stand to make a killing, if they buy this years seasons and store them through till next year. I say it is a gamble, because you need to be sure that the product is still going to be in fashion next summer. The easiest thing to do, is buy traditional fashions. These are the ones that are worn year, after year, after year. You can also buy nice new fashions. These are fashion items, that have only just come out, and are a great hit (so will be back again next year). Don't buy fad items, that you only see teenage girls wearing (you just may end up wearing a load of pink puff skirts yourself next summer). You don't need to go out shopping at the start of every season - shop when there are specials. Just think - the average person spends $50 per week on clothes (that's $2600 per year). If you are buy clothes at even 50% off - that's $1300 per year you are saving (and that's just because you waited 2 weeks). I think I can handle the wait for that - don't you? |