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Ecommerce | Ecommerce News

Jul 22nd

Would You Like To Generate Income During Retirement? Without Working Full-Time?

Say, when are you going to retire? Or find a different way to make a living?

If that job of yours is killing you, maybe you need a CHANGE. Many people are taking their own future in hand, working from home and making a decent living with their own business creating online income. No more daily commute, tiresome boss, and unfulfilling job.

Let's talk about this and see how it can happen. For YOU!

Isn't this the "American Dream" nowadays - creating your own income producing business without all the headaches of regular employment? But ... can it be done? At 25, 50, 65?

Let's get real. Yes, some people can and do. Others could but don't.

What accounts for the difference?

Make no mistake about it, starting and running your own business is not necessarily an easy or simple thing. If it were, everyone would be doing it.

The difference very often is - motivation and


But even having the right attitude and the drive, essential as they are, you will still need more.

You need knowledge, and you need the right tools. And the willingness to take on the learning curve and master it.

(In a little bit, I'll show you where you can read all about people just like you doing this.)

Now some personal information.

I am in my sixties, with over 35 years running my own specialty in the construction business. I have worked hard, and I can say without blushing that I am a success.

But I go out each day and deal with the public, both clients and suppliers. I spend a fair amount of time on the phone. I have office stuff to do evenings and weekends. I have a full schedule. And I'm getting tired.

Several years ago, I heard about this special program. I had been wanting a change - a less hectic, physically demanding lifestyle, but at that time I was not yet motivated enough to get real serious about a shift in my method of making a living.

A little over a year ago, I came across it again. This time, the promises it presented grabbed me, and I dove in and got the program.

Talk about a learning curve! For a guy with very little computer experience, this was a challenge. A technie I'm not, but with this bundle of special tools I was able to enter the learning curve and begin to build - not just my website, but a niche business that I can run from the comfort of my home.

After a little more than a year, I am building my information business. I am the ultimate "tortoise" - not burning rubber but making steady progress toward my goal of retiring from construction and moving gracefully into a different daily schedule. Others - more gifted than I - are doing this much faster.

Not only is my income growing from my website, but I have ideas for more income producing businesses based on my online presence. This is exciting!

This is truly an amazing program. Without it, I don't think I could become what I am now - an infopreneur. After years of work in the construction industry, I have accumulated a lot of specialized knowledge, and that forms the basis of what I have to offer. I now have the tools to turn that knowledge into a new profitable enterprise.

The neat thing is, there are lots of folks like me with accumulated expertise that could form the foundation for a successful online niche business. Or they may have a passionate interest or hobby that could do the same.

The program I used showed me how to take a good look at my interests, talents and expertise and do the brainstorming to come up with workable ideas to build on. I learned how to do market research, how to come up with great keywords that search engines can latch onto to send people to my site, how to build my webpages (even an utter newbie can do it) and so much more (even free courses in how to write great content and do other essential stuff).

The Forums are probably the friendliest, most helpful people on the planet. Fellow adventurers who are eager to answer my questions and offer constructive advice. They are a tremendous resource and have bailed me out more than once.

If the idea of building your own unique niche business appeals to you, you can take a look at one of several ways it can be done and see how if might fit in with your own needs and aspirations. Check out my personal information.