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Ecommerce | Ecommerce News

Jul 22nd

Online Gadget Warehouse - How To Make Money From E-Commerce

If you already own a website selling a product or products, or providing a service. You may well be wandering "how do I get more people to visit my website.

Essentially there are two ways to get more traffic to your website and hence make more money out of it.

The first option is search engine optimisation, this is a process that with the right know how you can do yourself, or alternatively you can pay for professional services to advise how your website can be optimised.

So what is search engine optimisation (SEO). Fundamentally, you optimise you web page content, both "on page" and "off page" by recognising the most popular key words used in search engines for people looking for your goods or service.

The second option is to use "Pay Per Click", search engines like Google offer a service that based on your advert meeting the criteria of the key words used in a search. Your link will be offered as a sponsored link.

When you set up an advert you agree to pay an amount for each time someone clicks on your link. This amount is set by you, but basically needs to be high enough to appear amongst your competitors based on the highest paying PPC's ranking highest.

If your sales need a boost, then it is worth considering investing in either of these methods or a combination of both. It's as simple as this, you need people to visit your web site in order for them to buy your products or service.

If you are interested in starting an online business then please visit my website where there is further information on how to set up with a company that will host the site, give you access to thousands of products that they will ship directly for you (so you don't need to hold any stock yourself), they will process credit card payments and pay the profits to you. You will also have the facility to add you own products if you wish.