Importance of Swift Posting on Online Article Submission WebsitesFor online article submission websites it is paramount to handle the articles in a swift manner and to post them immediately. Why? Well consider that some are time sensitive. For instance I have written 7200 online articles now and some are about current events.For instance today I wrote five articles on the wonderful Philanthropy of Bill and Melinda Gates joining with Warren Buffet to create a foundation now worth 60 Billion in revenues to cure TB, AIDS, Malaria and help with education and a whole host of other things. Now then, on some online submission article sites we will find that these might be stuck in queue for a week or more. But sense the news conference was today, by then it is relevant to world hunger and ridding the planet of diseases but perhaps less than the breaking news story was you see? If you do not post on a reputable online article website then you may be worrying about this also. For instance lets say I write an article on Volcanoes in Indonesia the second a News Alert comes on the email and within 15 minutes it is written and posted, but then it sits in the queue for 5-days plus over the weekend, does not do much good really, well it does do good to help get aid to the victims and keep it in the news of course but not like it really could you see? Consider all this in 2006. |