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Ecommerce | Ecommerce News

Jul 22nd

Adding a Photo of Yourself And A Personal Description Can Increase Sales And Overall Website Success

For your website to be successful it needs to build up a relationship with every person who visits the site. By building up a positive relationship the visitor is then much more comfortable about creating an account at your site, or buying something or even just reading the content.

If you are selling high value products or offering a service where the user needs to feel secure in your website then these positive relationships are vital. Here is a scenario:

First) The visitor comes to your website and sees that you provide the exact service they want - which the visitor is pleased about!

Second) They then spend 15 minutes reading through your site before looking at creating an account, which in this case costs $15 as a members fee. But because of the fee they want to make sure this isn’t a scam.

Third) So they look to find out a little bit more about the company behind the website. So they click the ‘About Us’ link and all it says is ‘We are a website providing a membership service for those looking to learn more about selling widgets’.

Fourth) They think ok I’ll contact them to find out more, so they click the contact page and all it has is an e-mail address, no phone number, physical address, name of person to contact or anything.

Fifth) They are no longer comfortable so leave the website – you’ve lost a sale.


If the ‘About Us’ page in this scenario had a photograph of the site owner (smiling of course!) and said ‘Hi, Im Tony the owner of WhateverWidgetWebsite.com, thanks for your interest in our business and the service we can provide to you……….specialise in teaching you blah blah blah….” And then at the end it could have just said any problems you can get in touch with me via these ways – and then as many details as possible (e-mail, phone number, ICQ, msn chat, snail mail address etc)

This would have made the person comfortable with the business, as long as all there questions had been answered on the site they wouldn’t have even contacted you and you’d have also had another subscriber.

Adding a photo and small description of yourself to your website only takes half an hour, and can make the visitor much more comfortable and turn them into a paying customer!