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Ecommerce | Ecommerce News

Jul 22nd

WARNING! All Dropship Business Owners Need To Pay Attention!

I have talked with three people already this week lost everything on their computer because of a system failure, crash, or virus. The reason for this post is simple. REMEMBER TO BACKUP - your files, website, photos, content or whatever it is you are working on that could cause you great pain if lost.

I don't know about you, but I hate wasting time, and if I spent a whole day writing and preparing content for my website (or writing product descriptions) and my computer crashed the next day, I am gonna be pretty ticked off, and my guess is the content is not going to be as good (mainly because of frustration). There is a simple solution to never have to worry about losing everything, even if you have a complete system meltdown. Every night, or even as soon as you are done with something big, back up your files. If you have a CD burner its pretty easy and you can probably fit everything you want to save on one disk.

Also, if you are working on the website, and have static pages, and a database your host probably has a back up program built into your control panel on the back end. Make sure anytime you make changes you are backed up to the most recent change. If you are not sure about how to work these back up programs, then contact your host and they can give you the information you need to never have to worry about losing any of your dropshipping business information. If you are more familiar with how FTP works, you can always login to your FTP account and pull all the files off the root server into a folder you have called "backup" as well. This will not help your databases, but could help you save a lot of content. Still, your best bet if you have no clue is to contact your web host company and ask them about how to go about backing up your website on a regular basis.

Making this a normal routine (even when brand new) is probably one of the best habits you can get into. Its not if, its a matter of when your computer will fail, when you will get hit with a virus that wipes everything out, or when your website will get hacked. Its a reality of life, and you just need to learn (as a dropship business owner) to start backing things up, and taking precautions.

I have helped many people (and clients) find content again once it was gone on places like www.archive.org (the way back machine) but that does not do anything for the structure of your website, or any huge database. What would happen to you if you lost your entire email database? It could be crippling to your business. I had a friend that had over 20k names in a database that was focused on open source, and his website went down, he lost everything. He could have sold that database for huge money if he had been smart and backed up, but he did not and has to start over from scratch. Just a simple reminder I know, but ask yourself; "When was the last time I backed up anything?" It will probably surprise you to find out the answer!